Apa yang Dimaksud dengan Gender, Kesetaraan dan Ketidakadilan Gender?

EKONOMI & BISNIS | Minggu, 29 September 2024 - 23:20 WIB

Minggu, 29 September 2024 - 23:20 WIB

Masih banyak yang salah memahami perbedaan antara gender dan jenis kelamin, yang berbuntut pada ketidakadilan gender. Sebenarnya dari segi sosial budaya dan biologi, keduanya…


Wednesday Addams Musim Pertama | Teaser Resmi | Netflix

EDUKASI | EKONOMI & BISNIS | WISATA | Rabu, 29 Maret 2023 - 05:10 WIB

Rabu, 29 Maret 2023 - 05:10 WIB

“Wednesday” follows a teenage Wednesday Addams as she navigates life as a student at Nevermore Academy, a supernatural school in New England. Despite her…

Another area of innovation is in the development of new business models that leverage the sharing economy.


Innovations in Business Models: Disruptive Technologies and Emerging Trends

EKONOMI & BISNIS | Selasa, 28 Maret 2023 - 16:03 WIB

Selasa, 28 Maret 2023 - 16:03 WIB

Innovations in business models are essential for organizations to remain competitive in today’s rapidly changing business landscape. Disruptive technologies and emerging trends are driving…